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Everyone benefits from regular saving, as it allows you to work towards your goals and gives peace of mind for emergencies. Regular saving can be difficult but at the Credit Union it's easy with local access to the Credit Union at convenient times and places.

With the Credit Union you are not 'just another customer' but a co-owning member of an organisation which provides security, protection, and in time, a return for your savings in the form of a dividend. Benefits of Credit Union savings Credit Union members can save at an affordable level be it £1 or £100.

Even small weekly amounts soon add up. Shares, depending on Credit Union reserves, are eligible for an annual dividend. Credit Union members can save as often as they like, and, up to certain legal limits, as much as they like.

Member’s Shares are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme up to the value of £85,000.

For further information on the Financial Services Compensation Scheme see Confidentiality at all times is respected. Credit Unions are mutual organisations. Members' shares are pooled and provide the resources for lending to other members. No hidden charges or fees on any transactions. Straightforward access for account withdrawals.


Members can withdraw their Credit Union savings provided they are not held as security for a loan. Withdrawals are paid out in a convenient manner designed to suit the needs of the Credit Union member.